Friday, November 30, 2007

maui day 1

Day 1- maui

So I wake up @ the but crack of dawn, make some tea and I am on my way- I head up highway to mile marker 38 to see the blow hole and a natural arch- the rain is coming down in buckets- there are rocks all over the road with signs that say “watch for falling rocks” - in all my years of seeing those signs I have never seen a fallen rock of any substantial size. I get the the place and the rain picks up- I put on my raincoat and I head out- I got out for about 30 min and decided to go back to the car to get my camera- this place was of true amazement. I 1st walked up and there were these rocks all stacked on top of each other- I would have to guess around 1000 or so- then there was this rock formation, very crop circilish- I go hiking on the coast in the pouring rain for approximately 3 hrs- I saw the blow hole, the arch and a ton more- I would go to one point and sit- think and then move on- I purchased some leki hiking poles and they saved my life probably 30 times- the ash is very slippery- it was like clay with pam on top. I make my way to what I thought was an old lighthouse- turns out it was just a marker with a beacon on top- I was not going to let the wind and rain keep me in the hotel. It was then I decided I was glad I made the trip myself- b/c it was not the best conditions and I think most would have been miserable.
I make my way back the car and I open the door and notice glass on the console. I thought the bottle of stuarts broke. Then I notice my mountain smith is gone. that’s right- I got my car broken into- they took my mountain smith which had some cash in it- prob a 1/3 of my spending money(sorta dumb on my part but I thought cash would be easier and get it as I need it) and one of my packs- they got mostly clothes(I am down to 3 pair of shorts and 2 pair of pants but I have the rest, I think) and the cash- along with my card reader, tens unit(muscle stimulator for my back) and my bose head cans- I felt so violated more then anything- karma is a bitch is all I can say about that- I did what I could not to think negative about it and I was not mad in any way what so ever. I was not going to let some meth head local ruin my time here- I think a few years ago I would have been outraged and pissed- I was actually laughing- shern sent me a pic of his new stash and how he wanted to trade tucker for some the the steel reserve- which helped lighten the mood- I had no cell service so I drove back till I had some- the rocks in the road were now boulders- the size of a basketball or so- during the drive I had a realization about the whole thing- so after about an hr with messing around with that I get a new car and I head to dragons teeth- I was there for a few hrs- reading emerson’s nature essay- it was so ironic how a lot of that referenced an instance of how to deal with what I just went through. On my walk back to the car(you had to walk along a golf course to get to the spot, I hear fore and a wizz of a golf ball by me- does Hawaii not want me here?

I had had already set up my tent and what not to camp for the night- when I got to camp I found that they also got my flashlights, thermarest and crazy creek. That sucked b/c I could not see, I had to sleep on the ground and sit on freaking rocks while I cooked and what not- so I did what any other normal americal would do. I got some food, a 6 pack of kona pale ale and a hawaiian cigar- as I was cooking the local taby cats came around- I gave a whole chicken breast to a kitten- maybe a year or so old and he was with me all night-


Gammon said...

Dude, one hell of a first day. Thats what makes for great adventures though. see ya

tatum said...

OH NO!!!!!