Friday, November 30, 2007

aui day 3

the vid above is from last night when i was watching the sunset- it was pretty amazing to watch this guy for an hour and not even getting in the water- he would ride the wave in, paddle back out and then back in- he used the paddle as a rudder like a surfing kayak- not sure if the board has a skeg or not- that would kind of defeat the purpose of the paddle/rudder

today i took it pretty easy- i met up with kassi- the drive was nice- saw some heady surfers and wind surfers- her house is what i imagined- her and jayson live on 35 acres, the owners grow bananas, guava and some other things i forgot- we went to paia- a small town which is more mainland people then anything- it reminded me of a small ski town but on the coast- willy nelson has a bar there called charlie's- named for his dog and has impromptu shows there pretty often- woody harrelson has a place there too- i think i would be pretty floored if i crossed him- he is a pretty big eco activist and a good actor- seems like someone i would like to have a fe drinks with- had some heady beer and food- went to replace a few things the crooks took and that is pretty much it- going to see a reggae band tonight where she works- which is pretty big here- it replaces all the rap stations in the SE- not a huge fan of it but i want to check it out- engulf myself in some of the hawaiian culture- although- @ least it won't be "mon" every 30 seconds

1 comment:

tatum said...

was the raggae before or after you busted, "mon?"